Thursday, May 5, 2011

PINKY is in the house

Pinky. I never thought that I will be called with the name, Pinky. Not ever, not in millions of years. But that is what my friends call me now. I have pink file which I have been carrying since the second day of school. It was not big of a deal at the time until my lovely bag koyak and my shaker rosak. So I went to Alamanda a.k.a my second house to buy the new one. My plan is to buy the same type of bag I used to have but different colour but I when I saw the bag I forget everything. The bag is so amazing and the fabrics are to die for. Unfortunately it only have two colours which is white and pink. I already had a white bag before so I took the pink! Then I went to MPH and I beli shaker baru. I dont know which colour I want and my sister told me to buy the pink so it matches with my pink bag. I was like no, but she said yes. I dont know why, but I beli the pink one. So I pegi sekolah and my friends call me pinky coz I have a pink bag, pink file and pink shaker. I'm such a pinky.

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